Oral Presentations
Oral presentations are strictly 15 minutes, allowing for 3 minutes of questions and 2 minutes for set up in each 20 minute slot. Please arrive well before the session starts to introduce yourself to the session chair and check that there are no technical problems with your presentation materials. A PC will be provided for Powerpoint or PDF presentations; otherwise presenters may use their own laptops (connectors are VGA for video and 3.5mm phono jack for audio). Wireless internet is available (via Eduroam), but is neither particularly fast nor reliable, so it would be advisable to have a local version of any demonstrations as a backup plan. Please direct any special requests to cmmr2012-organisers@eecs.qmul.ac.uk by Friday 15th June 2012.
Poster Presentations
For the poster presentation, a board 1.20 m wide by 1.90 m high will be provided (up to an A0 portrait format is suitable for the poster). Include the title, author(s) and affiliation at the top of the poster. Please note that the poster may be read from a few metres from the poster board - make sure you use fonts which are large enough. It is essential to present the work, and the results obtained, in a clear and concise format. The use of graphics and bullet-points is usually more successful than detailed text and equations (which can be more effectively read in the proceedings).
If needed, CMMR delegates can have their posters printed at Queen Mary's Copy Shop.